was founded in the spring of 2017. The company has a statutatory capital of 500 000 EUR. The founders of the company are professionals with vast experience in the international real estate market, who have developed real estate projects worth over 100 million EUR. The company employs various professionals – architects, construction and real estate project managers. Our company specializes in commercial – commerce, service and entertainment – real estate development. Our main mission is to develop – from the idea to key delivery. To our partners and clients, we offer the full spectrum of real estate development services – from the identification of adequate locations, all the way to developing the project according to the clients needs. We actively work with reliable and professional architecture and construction companies, therefore we offer our clients a professional and concentrated approach with a timely and high quality result.

priorities are much deeper than just the achievement of profit. Successful activity is based on strong values and hard work. Each project we develop receives our full attention and we deliver to client only a fully matured and developed project. Fair and value-adding activities have always been and will remain our guiding principles.


Investment into Real Estate projects.
Real estate rent and sale.
Real estate project management and development „from the idea to key delivery“.

What do we do?

We develop a socially responsible real estate business, creating welfare not only for the company‘s developed projects, but the surrounding environment as well.

Each project receives a safe and clean surrounding, we aim to make sure that it is contaminated as little as possible, and we strive to give more than to receive.

We aim to create the most economical use of energy resources.

We create functionality, usefullness and longevity, by using professional, modern technologies and the most reliable materials.

We create functionality, usefullness and longevity, by using professional, modern technologies and the most reliable materials.

We are a reliable and respected company, which carefully gives and fulills its promises and its obligations.

  • “Madrid Hills capital Investments” S.L. – is a private capital company established in April of 2017;
  • Yearly turnover (estimated) From 5,000,000 Eur;
  • Number of employees ~ 10;
In 2012 the shareholders of MHCI created a company “Amber Invest Estepona” S.L., which discovered and rented out (long term lease contract) a comercial land plot in Marbella “Matas Verdes” from the Estepona Ayuntamiento. The company carried out the majority of the designing management Works and successfully sold the company to investors/partnets, this resulted in a fully developed “Aldi” supermarket.
© 2017 Madrid Hills Capital Investments, S.L